Hints to
Avoid Fines
Notices and Fines

Material Type
Fine Rate
Per Business Day
Audio Books on Cassettes or CDs
14 days
14 days
4 per author/subject or series
CDs &
14 days
1 |
High Demand (New
materials) |
7 -14 days
Realia (3D
glasses, games, puzzles, etc.) |
14 days |
N/A |
1 |
$0.25 |
Items |
14 days
1 |
$0..25 |
Videos (DVD
& VHS) |
14 days
***8 per family but not from the same series.
1 |
Magazines |
14 days
*Library customers with 30 day or 90 day cards may only borrow 2 items at a time. ** Unless requested by another library customer ***Library customers in good standing for
at least 3 months may check out up to 8 videos per family but not from the same series. Library customers whose memberships have been active for less than 3 months, or who are not currently in good standing,
may only check out 4 videos per family.
The Library charges fines to
encourage everyone to return materials promptly
and to make materials available to other library customers.
Hints to Avoid Fines
To avoid fines, if there are no reserves placed on materials you have borrowed, you can renew library materials for an additional checkout period by calling the library during
business hours or by logging into your online account.
Give us your e-mail address or cell phone number for text messages and you will receive courtesy notices from our automated system.
When you borrow library items you may ask for a printed list, which tells you when each item must be returned. Please keep this list as your date due reminder, until all items are returned. If you frequently
borrow items on different days, you may also request a complete list of everything you have out.
ou may use the after-hours outside book drop, which is located in the rock wall just to the right of the front entry way.
Holds (Reserves)
Place holds/reserve
items by telephone: 817-783-7323
Place holds/reserve
items online:
Use our new web-based library catalog
You will need your library card number and password. If you do not have a password please come to the library and we will assign one for you.
Unless the items you request from our library are older and not in high demand, we will hold them at the circulation desk for 3 or 4 days. Older items, from our collection, that are not in high demand may be held at the
circulation desk for you up to 1 week. No matter how old they are, items requested from one of our consortium libraries may only be held for you for a maximum of 4 days at the circulation desk. |
Notices and Fines
Overdue fines are charged for each business day that an item is late.
You may be notified by telephone, text, postal mail, or e-mail of overdue items.
You will be charged for any postage used during notification attempts.
You do not have to pay your fine when you return an overdue item.
The fine does not continue to grow after the item is returned.
The fine will remain on your file until it is paid.
You and your family members may not borrow any materials or use the public access computers or any other library equipment or games until your fines are paid in full.
If they are not overdue or have not been requested by another
library customer
there are three ways to renew items. If you are unsure how any of these methods work, please ask a
Library staff person
for help.
Replacement Costs
Any item that is 60 days or more overdue is considered lost and the replacement cost plus a $10.00 processing fee will be charged to the borrower's account.
If an item, which has been paid for, is later returned in good condition with the receipt, a credit for the cost of the item, less the actual overdue fine, which will be counted up to the time the original item is returned, will be
issued for the borrower's account, however the $10.00 processing fee is not refundable.
Borrowed materials, with the exception of magazines, comic books and oversized items, may be returned in the after-hours outside drop box at any time.
The drop box return slot is located in the rock wall to the right of the front entry doors.
What does the term "In Good Standing" mean?
In good standing means that items are returned in the same condition as when they were borrowed, there are no outstanding fines or overdue materials and there have been no violations of any of the library's
rules regarding the computers, other library equipment, materials or library customer behavior.